Any data on Asian students’ performance? We always get erased in these types of comparisons.

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I live in Baltimore.And our statistics make me want to cry. And i think the term "Proficiency " understates the problem. I personally know people that have high school diplomas from Baltimore City Schools , who can not even read a simple street sign. They are not at a first grade reading level. They arent at any grade level.They simply can not read any sort of sentence. I work in construction. And have met many guys who can not reach jobsites, Because they cant read street signs.And they cannot do simple measurements with a tape measure.

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I agree. A friend of mine runs a school that gets a lot of over-age, under-credited students who have already dropped out or been kicked out. They are high school age and when she gives them reading tests, some test below a 1st grade level (yet they were passed through the grades in their districts through 10th grade. The stories you tell are stories that I have seen/heard play out in so many places. It is criminal. And heartbreaking. And a total injustice.

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