I shop second-hand too! You can find amazing, very good quality, brand-name & also unique & antique items for almost no money. You spend a quarter of what you would at a bargain store (walmart, target) but get an item that is well-made, excellent quality. I buy most things at second-hand stores.

It's also the best thing that we, as people, can do for society, for our country, for our environment, for the world. Fast fashion destroys the planet & destroys lives via slave labor and child labor. Most items sold in stores break the minute you buy them and contribute to environmental degradation and destroyed human lives. Second-hand is not only the smart choice, but also the most ethical & moral choice.

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I love these stories and I loved the essay you recommended too. Thanks!!!

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Love the employee in the airport bathroom! It also gives me pause that adults need instruction on basic cleanliness and common courtesy these days. The Marxist infantilization of the west is almost complete.

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Well, I found two pair as well recently (at BJs, which can come close to a thrifty store : ). It seemed like a miracle of sorts. Of course, I've also now discovered the incredible 'miracle' of Intermittent Fasting [Time-Restricted Eating (TRE); or as I like to think of it: Time-Enhanced Eating (TEE)]. Discovering this amazing approach to my eating habits came in the nick of time (I was developing heart troubles... seems like it's saving my life!) Of course, now those really nifty denims are quickly becoming not-the-best-size. 🤷‍♀️ I LUV your writing; very thankful for you. Keep up all the good work(s).

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