Excellent piece. I love the way you described the trans activists at the white house and, of course, your main point about kids and schools was very important.

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Great article in NY Post! I like NY Post, its one of my favorite places to go for news

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"Perhaps now that the White House has finally shown itself to have limits, we can have a more honest conversation about how to safeguard children in school." My experience with the helping with and campaigning for pro-parents' rights school board candidates for the last 5 years indicates the opposite. There is no desire for a 'conversation'. With each passing year the opposition has become more strident, nasty and unhinged. Trying to get candidates fired from their jobs, trolling the candidates, spouses and supporters' social media accounts, and a non-stop barrage of name calling. And sadly, it's working. Parents, get your kids out of public schools.

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