I also think there's a problem with "cashless" for kids. I think it's tougher to "feel the pain" of an expense with a card. As a young man (and a kid with a paper route), I felt more pain using a $5 or $10 bill, as opposed to change and a $1 bill. I "learned the cost of things" that way, and was more cautious as prices were higher. Much of that feeling seems lost with a single swipe. I think cash, and change, did a better job of teaching a kid the value of money. Not to mention math skills. You look at your change and do that math to be sure you aren't cheated. Math skills for other times are sharpened.

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I want to know where you got that rug.

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Good point re kids & cashless venues. I hadn't thought of that yet. (My youngest "kid" is now 18...) Good luck w the dog & the carpet!

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They have stapled the chip into your earlobe yet? I believe it’s mandatory…

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