2020 is still the gift that keeps on giving.

Toto is working overtime pulling all the curtains away from the charlatans.

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Thank you, Erika, for your dedication to stop Cultural Marxism, Globalism, and the increasing indoctrination of students and adults by educational institutions and the Corporate Media. For strong curriculum for high school and college/university, please consider the following:

The Between Two Worlds coming-of-age series by Alan Hidalgo for high school and college students. This English Language Arts curriculum is based on classical multiculturalism, which recognizes that culture is an ideology and not a skin color, and that all people have a set of primary and secondary cultures based on their national residence, their family upbringing, and their own personal choices throughout life since cultures can be added or subtracted by free will. Unlike cultural Marxism, the key goal in this series is not group identity, division, and a false dichotomy of oppressor and victim, but rather individual equality, individual merit, and cultural competence i.e. the desire to understand cultures that are different than our own and to learn how we can objectively evaluate culture and communicate effectively with people who may possess certain cultural characteristics different than our own, and in doing so, most often we realize that as human beings our needs and desires and goals in life, for the most part, are the same in many ways as we are all of the same human race with similar biological and psychological needs and wants. This unique ELA series is composed of Between Two Worlds: A Multicultural and Multilingual Anthology, the Between Two Worlds Student Workbook, and the Between Two Worlds Instructor Manual. There are ten unique novels, each with a unique cast of characters. All novels possess high interest and highly life relevant plots for young adults and each has a prominent central theme that promotes character building through wisdom, understanding, and virtue. Prominent plots themes include the following: personal identity, bullying, sports and athletics, family dynamics, romantic relationships, peer pressure, bullying, immigration, education. The Student Workbooks also teach higher order thinking and character building as well as vocabulary development, reading analysis, in-depth essay composition, and the Socratic Method.

For more information, please check out our Facebook Page or YouTube Channel by searching under Alan Hidalgo Educational Consulting.

The official website is alanhidalgo.com

Those interested may correspond with the Alan Hidalgo Team at education@alanhidalgo.com

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Erika - Not enough attention is given to the surveying being done of minors in schools; administrations ignore PPRA (Protection of Pupil Rights); school committees are way out of the loop knowing not only results but the volume/scope of surveys (and yet we don't allow student evaluations of teachers even for just awareness to the teacher/dept chair).

Most districts don't have a survey policy or it gets ignored about parental consent.

Panorama -- they do surveyworks for RI?

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I agree wholeheartedly. Most districts/states appear to be in violation of PPRA. RI has a statewide contract with Panorama so kids and parents in every district take surveys created and administered by Panorama. I wrote a bit about my son's experience here: https://sanzi.substack.com/p/do-11-year-olds-need-to-answer-questions

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