This is maddening. It’s *biology* class. There is a clear activist angle here & the school’s dishonesty about what’s going on makes me furious. I’ve been a Democrat my entire life, voting consistently even in midterms, but this has to stop. If they think “gender” is supposedly fluid, just wait til they get a look at how fluid party affiliation can be. I hope some new people are motivated to run for school board in Needham, MA!

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The long-term solution is school choice.

Short-term, you sit in on as many classes as possible, demand the teacher justify their curriculum/assignments.

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Unfortunately the woke are heavily embedded in certification boards, which makes almost every school in the nation, public and private, teach this garbage. Even elite private schools are infected by the virus.

At this point, homeschooling seems like the only solution.

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The laudable goal of making all students feel welcome in the classroom and accepted for who they are--and we should all agree that it is, in fact, a laudable goal--has been perverted in a way that profoundly undercuts the dictates of science. I'm particularly disturbed by the discrepancy between 2% intersex and .018% intersex. That means the slide begins as bad science, grounding itself in an orders-of-magnitude error: claiming 1 in 50 rather than 1 in 5000. I guess that was designed to make intersex people feel more welcomed? But that sort of factual inaccuracy in fact derails the entire discussion. So, too, is the unproblematic switcheroo whereby what some lower-order animals are able to do in the matter of remanufacturing themselves (without surgery or drugs, it should be noted!) from male to remale or vice versa is presumed to offer us insight into human sexuality. Which it doesn't. So yes: this is bad science masking as actual science, and it's a front for gender ideology. What a shame. This could actually be a TRUE, fascinating, and enlightening science lesson.

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As a mother of kids in school, this is horrifying. We have to fight against this kind of propaganda & brainwashing of our kids.

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I’ve never been so grateful for my decision to homeschool. I’m a (previously) lefty secular homeschooling type, that cringed when I read public schools referred to as “government schools,” but ffs this is clear indoctrination. School choice has to be pushed more.

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Note the slight of hand with the last slide. The previous slide was discussing sex changes in non-humans (without actual scientific proof for 2 of the 3 examples). Then, poof, “now think about *gender fluidity*”.

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