The Global Initiative for Boys & Men encourages others to step forward and look open heartedly at the data and find the compassion to act in a fair and just manner. Thank you, Erika, for your willingness to do that. I hope others find strength in your actions and work together to support our boys and men. Sean Kullman, President, Global Initiative for Boys & Men

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I would like to let you know that there is a group of individuals and organizations that is advocating for the inclusion of boys and men into the Biden administration's new gender policy council. It is called the Coalition to Create a White House Council on Boys & Men http://whitehouseboysmen.org. Click on the Board of Advisors tab, and scroll down to see the Contact Us section. You are more than welcome to join us, and your participation will help make a difference in achieving equitable outcomes for both genders!!

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War on Men and Boys - it's been gaining more momentum and now, they're no longer even trying to hide it. People better start to realize whats coming down the pike. Another brilliant job, my friend.

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Excellent article that tells a sad but true tale.,Most people will shrug their shoulders and go back to what they were doing. This is the nature of gynocentrism which runs silent and it runs deep.

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Erika Sanzi, feminists call all that you documented "equality for women".

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Thank you for this. Feminists scream inequality and patriarchy. Yet mens issues are completely ignored and stigmatised.

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Amazingly info-rich article...thank you. Seems incomprehensible that "The Great Unifier" would allow himself to be talked into a Gender Apartheid Council...still time for him to correct this oversight.

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