Thank you for sharing your story. It is often these wealthy, over "educated" narcissistic people who don't realize how good they have it. They don't realize how wonderful our country is. They are ungrateful. They have too easy of a life, without any real problems, which causes ingratitude. They cannot express gratitude for the freedoms of this country.

My husband and I both immigrated to the USA from Europe, as kids, and we are very patriotic. Yes, we have experience Plenty of Anti Semitism, both here & all over the world, but it has nothing to do with this wonderful country, but rather has to do with the existence of people who are racist & bigoted, which is in all countries. We live in a wealthy neighborhood. I am very conscious of making sure my 3 kids express gratitude, on a regular basis. We do teach them patriotism. We teach them to be grateful for what they have. I do allow them to experience problems & hardships. I don't helicopter parent or "protect" them from life's problems/consequences, because the more problems and hardships one faces, the stronger a person becomes, through adversity. One learns resilience.

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Great article. It’s sad how this has become such a decisive issue today. My dad was so proud the day he became a citizen and he was grateful that in America a man can come over on a scholarship with an apple, rice cooker and $20 bucks and die a millionaire. Sometimes we forget that the freedoms we have come at the cost of many brave men and women who serve and the flag is a symbol of that freedom.

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It sounds like you taught with “educators” who were marinated in their own victimization (as in - a bunch of entitled whiners). One staff Mexican means nobody can participate. What a disgrace! You were smart to “get out of Dodge.”

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One can only shake one's head.

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Performative patriotism is always one of the last things we need.

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